Calculate Your 7 Fit Score
Calculate Your 7 Fit Score with
Product-Market Fit Questions
Take our quick quiz with Product-Market Fit survey questions
to see how far your startup business is from
achieving Product-Market Fit.
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There may be several reasons as to why your startup receives
a low 7 Fits score.
If your business is in the pre-launch phase, chances are:
- You have not discovered who your early adopter customers are.
- You have not found a big enough problem that matters for a big enough target customer segment.
- You have not been able to stucture a usable solution to tackle your early customers' problem.
If your business is in the post-launch phase, chances are:
- You have issues with pricing.
- You have not exactly figured out the best model for your audience.
- You do not have a solid customer acquisition strategy.
- You have not yet discovered the best distribution channels for your solution.
- Your solution's feature set is not competitive enough.
- You have not spent enough time speaking with your current customers and their needs.
- Or some other reasons that keep your startup from growing.
No worries, we've been there before. We asked ourselves the exact same questions.
If you want us to help you, just schedule your free call. Let us see if we can find a mutual ground to work together to increase your 7 Fits score and help you find Product-Market Fit.